Anjali LevertonCounselling in Wickford, Essex & Online

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One to One Counselling for Adults

Online or In Person (Wickford, Essex)

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Flexible & Inclusive Counselling

Looking for therapy that's inclusive, welcoming & fits with your schedule?

Somewhere you can be yourself & express what you're thinking & feeling, without expectations from others?

Email, call or text to arrange a free initial call or to book a 50 minute session.

Appointments are available between 8am and 9pm on Mondays, Tuesdays & Thursdays.

Online: effective, ongoing therapy, without the challenges of travel and/or parking and an unfamiliar environment, at a time that suits you.

Face to face: from spacious counselling rooms in Wickford (SS12), Essex; easily accessible from Basildon, Chelmsford, Danbury, South Woodham Ferrers, Rayleigh and the Dengie (See Locations).


Looking for a counsellor in Wickford or Online?
Email, call or text 07484 160971.

I respond to all messages within 48 hours. You might find my email response in your junk/spam folder.


Counselling to help with issues like:


anxiety, bereavement, grief, cancer & other changes in health, depression, self esteem & confidence, relationship issues, loss, racism, stereotyping & discrimination.

My work is not limited to these areas so feel free to get in touch whatever your concern.


Why you should get in touch

You're tired of being strong for others.

You want to trust someone with your thoughts & fears.

You'd like to get your head around a big change.

You're fed up of people not really listening.

Nobody "gets" how you're really feeling even though you've tried to explain.

You're looking for support from someone experienced in providing inclusive, one to one, confidential support without judgement.

Let's work together to get your voice heard; to give you an opportunity to understand how you connect with others as well as more understanding and acceptance of yourself.

You'll receive:


the option of a free 20 minute phone/video call, before booking,

a calm, safe, and compassionate one to one space,

respect without judgement,

cultural sensitivity,

the opportunity to be heard and have someone alongside you,

an alternative perspective on your difficulties,

help in identifying the resources you have available to you; internally & externally,

the choice of working online or face to face,

therapy to fit your needs.


How I help

I offer you time and space to talk in confidence about how you're feeling as well the things that are hard to share because they cause stress, worry, anxiety or distress.

I'll listen without judgement.

I'll use my (integrative) counsellor training and experience (NHS, corporate, private practice and personal) to work with you to understand where you're at and what you're looking for.

I adapt my way of working to make sure that your needs are being met.

Therapy sessions can be:

  • short term, time limited or ongoing,
  • online, using Zoom or,
  • face to face counselling from Wickford, SS12 nr Rayleigh, Basildon, Danbury, Chelmsford & Maldon, in Essex.

    Call or Text 07484 160971



We all experience anxiety at some time or other; it's our body’s way of keeping us safe from harm. But at times the symptoms of anxiety can get in the way of every day life, particularly if you're experiencing them alongside other issues such as depression.

The anxiety might be the result of a change in circumstance, a change in health or loss of income for example, or it might relate to confidence or self esteem issues e.g. do you feel anxious about what other's might think?

Either way, we can work together to understand your anxiety, identify your triggers and look at techniques and strategies as well as the negative thought patterns that often add "fuel to the anxiety fire".

Together, we can make the anxiety feel more manageable.

I am an Anxiety UK Approved Therapist providing therapeutic support to the charity’s members and partner beneficiaries. See my experience for more details.

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Grief & Loss

We all experience loss and feelings of grief at some time or the other. It can be the loss of a loved one through bereavement or because a relationship has ended but also through changes in family dynamics e.g. if a child leaves home.

Redundancy and retirement can also bring feelings of loss, as in many ways it feels like a way of life has ended.

Perhaps you're experiencing a loss of confidence, in yourself/others/your health?

Together, we can look at the feelings you have around your loss; understand why they are important; and why thinking about the future might feel difficult right now.

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Stereotyping, Discrimination, Expectations & Labels

As a British-born Asian divorced female counsellor, I'm very aware of how our lives and achievements can be limited by stereotypes, labelling and discrimination.

I'm passionate about challenging stereotypical beliefs.

“Don’t let someone else’s opinion become your reality.” Les Brown

Perhaps you're;

  • weighted down by high expectations? There's more about this on my blog page.
  • feeling judged or discriminated against e.g. race, religion, gender, sexuality, work choices?
  • feeling defined by your label e.g. a health diagnosis?

    Stereotypes and labels can make us feel invisible. This impacts our self-esteem and confidence as well as relationships.

    We can work together to challenge these limitations, understand your own measures of success and focus on how you would like your life to look and feel.

    Are you ready to be seen?

    Book Now


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Contact Me

Call or Text 07484 160971




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